House Guest: Amy Balfour

House Guest: Amy Balfour

‘The Bloomsbury set's informal, painterly style has inspired my home and work,’ says decorative painter Amy Balfour. One look at her intricate and ornate designs and the reference is clear – nuanced colour and organic motifs immediately evoke the Charleston-based artistic group, with a delicate, timeless style which is entirely Balfour’s. ‘I have a degree in Illustration and have always loved being creative,’ she says. After cutting her teeth as a design assistant in London at Sibyl Colefax and John Fowler, she launched her decorative painting business creating ‘boxes and mirrors for friends and it quickly grew from there.’ These days Balfour’s pieces and commissions are much in demand.

Starting her business coincided with a move out of London and the arrival of their eldest daughter, Eliza. A couple of years ago, they moved to their current home ‘a derelict but beautiful house in Fletching, East Sussex,’ she says, renovating the space in her signature style, ‘just in time’ for the arrival of their triplets who are now two. Balfour works from a studio within her home. Between her work and her family, we managed to grab her for a five minute chat on our virtual sofa to talk treasure hunting, instinctive interior design and why her bedroom is her favourite room in the house…

WW: Where’s home? 

AB: During lockdown, Victor and I decided we needed a new project and found the house we now live in – it had no running water or electricity but was beautifully positioned, a few miles from where I grew up. The month we got the keys we found out we were expecting triplets – it was a great incentive to get a move on! The house is the oldest in the village and was built as a Wealden Hall House in circa 1500. When we first looked around it was decidedly eerie and dark, but had such charm and promise, Victor and I fell in love 

amy balfour country home wicklewood decarative accent cushions
SHOP NOW: Mexican Candleholder, Osborne Cushion

WW: Most precious interiors possession and the story behind it?

AB: This is hard! When the triplets were born my husband commissioned a beautiful personalised jewellery box for me. It is an antique box exquisitely refurbished by Woodbury & Co. Inside Emily has lined the drawers with fabrics I’d collected over the years and embroidered meaningful dates on top. Each of my children's names are inside – it fills my heart with joy every time I open it.

WW: Favourite room in your house?

AB: My bedroom – I love the red woodwork and the wardrobes I painted. My husband was not keen when the colour first went on (and for a moment neither was I, although I didn't admit it at the time!). This room really came together when I added all the other elements – some of my favourite pieces that I own; cushions, embroideries, block printed bedspreads. Now it is a very personal and peaceful space that I love to spend time in.

amy balfour colourful home wicklewood cushion
SHOP NOW: Angelica Cushion

 WW: What’s your colour philosophy? 

AB: I like to mix colours tonally, layering similar shades together. I don't like huge contrasts and am drawn to more muted but bold colours. I act on instinct when decorating my home and try not to overthink anything too much. If I like something I feel it will work with something else I like, no matter if they do not 'match'.

amy balfour colourful home with wicklewood ceramics
SHOP NOW: Heart Candleholder, Flower Pot
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